About Me

Let me tell you a few things...

John Doe


A passionate learner who not only code for professional reasons but also self-interest, and enjoy solving the problems and puzzles through different insights as well as analyzing and finally arriving at a life long learning experience.

CodeSpeedy Technologies Private Limited

C++, Python Programmer

Wrote computer programming articles/blogs along with code snippet on C++ and Python programming language for codespeedy.com which is an online coding solution website. The main focus was on Problem Solving and writing efficient content & code by maintaining proper Readability, Time Complexity & Space Complexity.


Sept 2020 - Oct 2020

Responsibilities of promoting and Ideation, Execution of the Techfest’s events for IIIT DELHI.


9 Oct 2020 - 11 Oct 2020

Mentored at SunHacks, a student-run hackathon at Arizona State University, US. Guided students and developers to enhance existing ideas, suggest technologies and, debug errors encountered during the hackathon.


25 Sept 2020 – 27 Sept 2020

Mentored at ShellHacks, Florida's Largest Hackathon. Guided students and developers to enhance existing ideas, suggest technologies and, debug errors encountered during the hackathon

Technical Skills

➔ Languages: C, C++, Java, Python, JS

➔ IT Constructs: Data Structures (DS), Algorithms, Object-Oriented Design (OOPS), OS, CN, and DBMS

➔ Development tools: Microsoft Visual Studio, Anaconda3, and NetBeans

➔ DB Language: SQL

➔ Other Tools: GIT, GitHub, onlinegdb, Eclipse.

➔ Development Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio Code, Anaconda3, Eclipse, NetBeans IDE.

➔ Operating System: Windows, UNIX & Linux.